Design and Analysis of Active Isolation in Power Converter Systems

Doctoral Candidate Name: 
Clint Halsted
Electrical and Computer Engineering

This dissertation presents a new class of power converter topologies that realize galvanic
isolation by utilizing active transistor devices instead of conventional transformers.
The power converters employ standard switch-mode topologies but isolate the
ground connections with the addition of active switches on the ground side of the
power path. Compared to transformer isolation, the Active Isolated (AI) converters
have reduced size and cost with increased efficiency. A generalized approach is given
that is used to create thrity-six new active isolated topologies based on the following
basic converters: buck, boost, buck-boost, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta. Of these, the
buck-boost and boost-buck are determined optimum topologies since they achieve
pulsating and non-pulsating galvanic isolated conversion with the fewest component
count, respectively. The two optium converters are modeled mathematically and various
protoypes are developed that confirms proper galvanic isolation. The concept of
unipolar and bipolar isolation is explored and it is found that in many applications,
including the application choosen for this work, that unipolar isolation is adequate
to provide proper operation and safety for the user. Commom-mode transient and
steady-state models of the converters are developed and correlated to experimental
results. The two optimum convertes are used in two appliations: PV microinverter
and offline AC-DC power supply with fault protection.

Defense Date and Time: 
Friday, November 13, 2020 - 12:00pm
Defense Location: 
EPIC 2344
Committee Chair's Name: 
Madhav Manjrekar
Committee Members: 
Babak Parkhideh, Robert Cox, Brigid Mullany