Graduate faculty nomination
Graduate faculty are selected based on their demonstrated ability to teach graduate students effectively, complete high quality creative work and to conduct scholarly research and direct the research of graduate students. College Deans and department chairs nominate candidates for graduate faculty using the electronic Graduate Faculty Appointment (eGFA) system. Download instructions for eGFA.
Graduate Faculty at UNC Charlotte may be Regular Graduate Faculty or Associate Graduate Faculty. The academic department develops criteria for selection to either post, in accordance with the general criteria of the Graduate School. Nominations go to the Graduate Council for review and approval.
Faculty Appointment Procedures - Summary
- Department chairs or their designees can make graduate faculty appointments using our online system, eGFA (electronic Graduate Faculty Appointment. College Deans or their designees are responsible for appointing/reappointing department chairs.
- It is assumed that faculty hired into tenured or tenure-track positions meet the criteria for appointment to the Regular Graduate Faculty based on current or potential achievements. As such, departments may make faculty appointments to the Graduate Faculty at the time of hire and notify the Graduate School of the appointment through the electronic Graduate Faculty Appointment system. Initial appointment terms for Regular members are for three years. Subsequent appointments will be for five years.
- For Associate Graduate Faculty, the academic department will initiate the appointment process using the qualifications established by the faculty and approved by the Graduate Council. Nominations for appointment or reappointment must be addressed to the Dean of the Graduate School and include a clear and convincing narrative describing how the nominee meets the criteria and should be accompanied by a vita. Initial appointment terms for Associate members are for three years. Subsequent appointments will be for five years.
- Appointing external individuals to serve on graduate student committees follows the same process as appointing Associate members (i.e., lecturers, Visiting Professors, etc.). Department chairs or their designees can request an initial appointment for the purpose of serving on a graduate student committee. You will need a current resume or CV from the individual to upload in the eGFA system. You will need a narrative describing the relevance of the individual’s education, experience and/or research and how that correlates with the student’s research. Please include the student’s name, 800# and program of study in the request. Initial appointment terms for Associate members are for three years. If more time is needed for a student to graduate, the department chair may request a reappointment for the committee member.
- To maintain the Graduate Faculty as a viable body, individual membership is reviewed periodically. Membership on the Graduate Faculty can be terminated by Departmental Graduate Faculty or the Dean of the Graduate School if a faculty member fails to meet the minimum criteria for membership. Unfavorable decisions for Graduate Faculty appointment may be appealed.
- Normally appointments end on June 30 and begin July 1. Each spring the Graduate School will send notification to the academic departments listing those members of the Graduate Faculty whose term expires at the end of the year.