Investigating the Influence of Literacy Coaching as Embedded PD on Teacher Instruction

Doctoral Candidate Name: 
Katherine Mauzy
Curriculum and Instruction

Improving elementary student reading achievement has been a well-defined goal of many federal and state educational initiatives over the last several decades. To that end, vast amounts of resources have been funneled into professional development for literacy teachers to solve the problem of students who are unable to read proficiently on grade level through a focus on improving teacher literacy instruction. The employment of literacy coaches into elementary schools has been an embedded professional development strategy implemented to combat these low literacy achievement rates across the country. However, the effectiveness of literacy coaches in positively influencing teacher instruction has not been rigorously investigated and many questions still remain about their true impact of improving student reading achievement.

This qualitative case study examined how teachers perceive a change in their instructional beliefs and practices through intervention with a literacy coach and which factors of coaching teachers report as most influential on their classroom practice. The implications of coach/teacher interplay were investigated through the entrenched professional development experiences of three elementary literacy teachers and their school-based literacy coach to determine the specific strategies, conversations, and interventions that brought about a possible change in teacher beliefs and practices relating to the teaching of literacy in their classrooms. A within-case analysis revealed changes in teacher beliefs and practices surrounding small group reading activities including phonics integration as well as changes in whole group phonemic awareness (PA) instruction. A cross-case analysis uncovered meaningful themes highlighting coach proximity to practice including shared responsibility, the coach as a sounding board, and scaffolding coaching cycles. Detailed results combined with recommendations for future research work to advance the field in an effort to develop an effective model of literacy coaching implementation.

Defense Date and Time: 
Friday, October 7, 2022 - 11:00am
Defense Location: 
Committee Chair's Name: 
Dr. Erin Washburn
Committee Members: 
Dr. Bruce Taylor, Dr. Maryann Mraz, Dr. Jae Hoon Lim