U.S. graduates must be critical thinkers, have strong interpersonal skills, understand diverse cultures, and speak more than one language to compete in a global workplace (Tucker, 2021). Dual language immersion (DL/I) is a successful instructional model that prepares students for the global economy (Thomas & Collier, 2017). Staffing DL/I programs is challenging because of the national shortage of teachers in the United States, particularly bilingual teachers (Hernández et al., 2022). The lack of bilingual teachers in the United States forced some schools to hire international teachers (Hernández & Alfaro, 2020).
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to understand the acculturation experiences of international Latinx teachers, specifically focused on their onboarding support. Using LatCrit and Human Capital Theories, this phenomenological study analyzed the semi-structured interviews to explore the first-year experiences of seven international Latinx teachers. The results of the study indicate that intentional sociocultural support must be provided to improve acculturation and retain bilingual teachers. School support must include a culturally welcoming school community, the strategic assignment of mentors, professional development focused on the use of technology and assessments, and sociocultural support in navigating financial challenges related to housing and transportation. Implications of this study call for school districts and principals to develop culturally-informed onboarding systems to increase international teachers’ sense of belonging and reduce the stress they encounter adjusting to a new community. Additionally, North Carolina’s Department of Public Instruction’s commitment to DL/I expansion should include financial support for the relocation of bilingual teachers.