The Graduate School currently seeks nominations for the 2024 First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal. This award recognizes a senior full-time faculty member for outstanding scholarship, creativity, and/or research. Nominations may come from any UNC Charlotte faculty member. The First Citizens Bank Scholars Medal has been awarded since 1988, with last year's honoree being Dr. Kirill Afonin, Department of Chemistry.
The award — consisting of a cash prize, framed citation and a medal — will be presented in the spring semester at a ceremony and reception presided over by the Chancellor, officials of First Citizens Bank, the Interim Dean of the Graduate School and University officers.
We invite you to view more information on this year's nomination form and the selection process. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on November 10, 2023.
The Graduate School is also seeking nominations for the annual competition for the 2024 Harshini V. de Silva Graduate Mentor Award. This award recognizes a full-time member of the graduate faculty who exemplifies outstanding graduate mentoring. Nominations should come from a chair of the academic department. This award was established in memory of Dr. Harshini de Silva, an associate professor of biology, who was noted for her dedication to the academic and professional development of graduate students. The 2023 award went to Dr. Margaret Quinlan, Department of Communication Studies.
The award — consisting of a crystal obelisk, a framed citation and a cash prize — will be presented in the spring semester at a ceremony and reception presided over by the Chancellor, the Interim Dean of the Graduate School and University officers.
View more information on this year's nomination form and the selection process. The deadline for nominations is 5 p.m. on November 3, 2023.