Diet-related diseases like obesity and type-2 diabetes are on the rise. Precision nu- trition, a way to tailor dietary requirements for each individual, is heralded as a solution to these problems. However, nutritional research is held within sparse, siloed resources that rarely connect, which leads to significant barriers hindering the progress of precision nutrition. Three knowledgebases were produced as a re- sult of this work. The ABCkb 1.0 overcomes these barriers by linking 11 separate resources in the path from plants to disease through molecular mechanisms. This resource is built in Neo4j and provides a web-based interface available for browsing ( A second knowledgebase, ABCkb 2.0 connects micro- biota information to diet and human health through the incorporation of text-mined associations from full text articles. The final knowledgebase produced links long-covid to dietary components through possible molecular mechanisms. These three knowl- edgebases promote progress in precision nutrition to tackle the rise in diet-related disease.