Graduate Student Funding and Support

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Student Funding & Assistantships

There are many options available to departments that wish to support a student while they are in a graduate program at UNC Charlotte.  We invite faculty and staff to discover more on our Student Funding web page.  Information for administering funding can be found through our systems to provide tuition (eGPS) and assistantships (NinerWorks).  Please click the links on those websites for information, access and training. Students may learn more and seek out options on the Graduate School's Funding web page.

Funding Task Force

Implemented in 2019, the Funding Task Force Report examines the current state of graduate student funding at UNC Charlotte and develops recommendations to improve, sustain and scale resources that will meet the needs of the graduate student population.  Please review the web page for additional information including FAQs, and to download the Report itself.

Mentoring & Advising

The role of graduate advisor and mentor is crucial - not only to our students, our disciplines, and the University but to all who stand to benefit from the contributions made by those we advise and mentor. These resources can help you improve your effectiveness as a mentor and an advisor.  Learn more.

Student Orientation

Twice a year, the Graduate School hosts New Graduate Student Orientation.  The program introduces students to the University, the graduate community and the broad range of resources and services available to support their success.  The Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning (Reynolds CGLL) coordinates the events and has up-to-date information on dates, times and locations.

Professional Development

Workshops offered through the Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning's (Reynolds CGLL) website address the five competencies that are vital for graduate student success: Communication, Leadership, Teaching and Instruction, Professional and Personal Responsibility, and Research and Scholarly Inquiry.  

Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning

The Thomas L. Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning (Reynolds CGLL) works to create a strong graduate community by promoting shared experiences, discourse and activities designed to support interdisciplinary learning. Located in Atkins 149, the Reynolds CGLL is home to graduate advocates, including Graduate Life Ambassadors and Graduate Life Fellows, graduate students who work with the Graduate School to provide peer mentorship and social programming for graduate students. For more information, visit the Reynolds Center for Graduate Life and Learning’s website.

Graduate Student & Professional Government (GPSG)

GSPG provides advocacy and resources for graduate students, including travel support.  Dr. Katherine Hall-Hertel, Associate Dean for Graduate Academic and Student Affairs, advises GSPG.

Faculty Representative

A Graduate Faculty Representative, selected by the Graduate School, serves on the student’s advisory committee to protect student rights and uphold University standards and policies. The Graduate Faculty Representative is a voting member of the doctoral committee and has the same standing on the committee as the members representing the student’s discipline.  Visit the Graduate School's Faculty Representative web page for information.

University Ombuds

The University Ombuds helps graduate students and members of the Graduate School community navigate and manage conflict in a constructive way. The ombuds is an advocate for fairness who listens to graduate students’ concerns and helps students achieve a greater understanding of the problem and possible solutions, and looks for information and resources applicable to the situation. The ombuds program is an independent, informal, impartial, and confidential resource for new and continuing graduate students to raise questions or concerns about any aspect of their graduate experiences. CONTACT: Scott DeyoUniversity Ombuds | 704‑687‑5518 | Ombuds info for grad students | Click here to schedule