Hacking the Academic Job Market: A Webinar with Dr. Karen Kelsky of The Professor is In

September 19, 2019 - 2:30 PM to 4:00 PM
Cone 268

Join us as we chat with Dr. Karen Kelsky, Ph.D., of the acclaimed The Professor Is In. This hour-long webinar followed by Q&A examines all aspects of the job search, including:

  • the real conditions of the job market, 
  • what search committees look for, 
  • how to build a competitive record,
  • how to articulate that record in job documents and interviews,
  • the post ac job market,
  • and more! 

 Open to all interested graduate students and postdocs! 

Dr. Karen Kelsky spent 15 years as an R1 tenured professor, department head, and university advisor, and 10 years (so far) as an academic career coach. She tells you the truth: the truth about grad school, the job market, and tenure. Dr. Karen and her team have a particular commitment to supporting black women in the academy, as well as other scholars of color. 

This event made possible by the Chancellor's Diversity Challenge Fund.