Innovative Thinking & Making an Impact with Your Research

October 6, 2020 - 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Are you interested in taking your research and ideas to the next level? In this two-part series we will discuss interview techniques, entrepreneurial mindset, and possible commercial viability--empowering you with the tools to make a difference with your work.

But what is an entrepreneurial mindset? 

There is so much you can do with an entrepreneurial mindset! It enables you to recognize new opportunities, helps you become a better thinker, allows you to gain new insights and see opportunities that exist within any situation. An entrepreneurial mindset will challenge you to push beyond the limitations of the past and explore your own untapped potential.

In these workshops, we focus on interviewing skills, industry exploration and commercialization, all empowering you to elevate your research and ideas. This will be an interactive series, with opportunities to network and collaborate with other participants. We invite you to attend both days, but each can stand alone and will give you techniques to further your research and ideas.

Workshop 1:  Innovative Thinking & Making an Impact with Your Research: Interviewing  Thursday, September 24th 

Workshop 2: Innovative Thinking & Making an Impact with Your Research: Commercialization Tuesday, October 6th

Join the WebEx meeting here.