Academic Petitions

Graduate Academic Petition

Academic petitions are required in order to transfer credits, to add a class after the add/drop period, to request a leave of absence, and more (see the complete list below). There are two ways to access the Graduate Academic Petition system:

  1. Visit Graduate Academic Petition
  2. Through Banner Self Service
    • Log into
    • Select Banner Self Service
    • Navigate to Student Additional Links and click Academic Petition

The Graduate Academic Petition system is available only to active graduate students at UNC Charlotte. Inactive students are required to file a paper-based Special Request Form. This form may be downloaded from the Forms web page. 

Request types available in the Graduate Academic Petition are:

Type of Request

What the Request Can Be Used For

Catalog Term Update

Students are expected to follow the graduation requirements published in the Graduate Catalog based on the term they were admitted. They may, however, update their requirements to the current edition if they choose. Use this petition type if you wish to follow the current edition of the Graduate Catalog instead.

Commencement Students are expected to participate in Commencement activities during the term in which they complete their degree requirements. However, students may request to participate in Commencement in a subsequent semester after graduating if there are extenuating circumstances preventing their participation. 

Concentration Add/Change

Some graduate programs permit or require students to select a concentration within their plan of study. Use this petition type to add, change, or drop a concentration for your program.

Course Overload

Graduate Students are restricted to 12 credit hours per semester (Fall/Spring), and up to 9 hours in the Summer term. In certain circumstances, the Graduate School will allow students to increase their maximum hours for a specific term. Use this petition type to request authorization to enroll in additional hours.

Early Entry

Early entry students are held to a maximum of 15 credit hours at the graduate level before completing their undergraduate degree. The number of graduate credits that you may double count is determined by your graduate program. In no case may more than 12 hours be double counted. See the Graduate Admissions Early Entry web page for details. Use this petition type to declare the graduate courses you will take while in early entry status and identify which of those will double count toward your undergraduate degree.

Grade Type Change

With the permission of the instructor and the Graduate School, a graduate student may request a change in the grade type for a given course. Options include Audit and Pass/Unsatisfactory (standard grade courses are not eligible for Pass/Unsatisfactory). The deadline to submit this request is by midnight on the last day of the add/drop period for the term. See the published academic calendar for details.

Late Add

The Add/Drop period closes on the 8th calendar day of the term. Use this petition type to request a Late Add into a course for which you were unable to register while Add/Drop was open.

Late Withdrawal

Students may self-withdraw from any course in a given term up until the withdrawal deadline published on the Academic Calendar. Use this petition type to request a "W" grade from a class after the deadline.

Leave of Absence

Students taking a leave of absence may not use university resources during that period. A leave of absence may not extend beyond one year. After one year, your matriculation is closed and you must reapply for admission. If you are experiencing a personal crisis please contact the Dean of Students office.

Other Course-Related

Use this petition type to submit requests that are course related and not covered by any other petition option.

Other Non-Course Related

Use this petition type to make requests unrelated to a course that are not covered by any of the other petition options.

Permit GRAD 7800 (Full-Time Enrollment)

Master's students pursuing the thesis or a research based capstone may request a permit for this course if they need to be full-time enrolled provided they meet the following requirements:

  1. Completed all required coursework
  2. Submitted all the required milestone forms except the final defense to the Graduate School.

Permit Grad 7999 (Graduate Residency)

GRAD 7999 "Graduate Residency" is a 1 credit hour course available to masters and certificate students who:

  1. Have completed all the degree requirements
  2. Have applied to graduate
  3. Must be enrolled in order to graduate.

Permit for GRAD 9800 (Full-Time Enrollment)

Doctoral students may request a permit for this course if they need to be full-time enrolled provided they meet the following requirements:

  1. Completed all required coursework
  2. Submitted all the required milestone forms except the final defense to the Graduate School.

Permit for GRAD 9999 (Graduate Residency)

GRAD 9999 "Graduate Residency" is a 1 credit hour course available to doctoral students who:

  1. Have completed all the degree requirements
  2. Have applied to graduate
  3. Must be enrolled in order to graduate.

Substitution-Course Requirement

Students are expected to take the courses reflected in their DegreeWorks audit and the Graduate Catalog. Use this petition type if you wish to substitute a course you took for one required by your program.

Substitution- Program Requirement

Students are expected to take the courses reflected in their DegreeWorks audit and the Graduate Catalog. Use this petition type if you wish to substitute a course you took for a general program requirement, such as electives, directed studies or an undesignated course requirement.

Suspension Appeal

If you have been suspended, you may appeal your suspension within 30 days of notification. Use this petition type to appeal your suspension in order to be reinstated.

Transfer of Credit - External

Use this petition type to request courses taken at another university be transferred to your UNC Charlotte graduate program.

Transfer of Credit - Internal

Use this petition type to request courses taken at UNC Charlotte be transferred from one program to another.

If you have questions about the Academic Petition process, please contact our staff at Graduate Petition Inquiries: