Manufacturing methodologies and optomechanics for dynamic freeform optics

Doctoral Candidate Name: 
Dustin K. Gurganus
Mechanical Engineering

Freeform optics have bridged the gap from theoretical to practical application and is propelled by ultra-precision multi-axis machining. Freeform optics have been used for infrared sensors, vision correction, and beam shaping. Manufacturing and application of dynamic freeform optics, where relative motion of freeform surfaces can enable improved or new functionality of an optical system, is a next step. The first part of this work concentrates on evaluating various manufacturing paths for glass transmissive dynamic freeform optics. Leveraging an iterative process design and metrology techniques, a method for the generation of high-quality optics for production is established. Metrology evaluations led to development of a six degree of freedom surface analysis that utilizes simulated annealing for optimization. Major results from the precision glass molding indicate high-volume production of transmissive glass freeform optics is possible. The second part of this work details research in the manufacturing of two separate dynamic freeform optics and optomechanics. For prototyping of visibly transmissive dynamic freeforms, a shift was machined into the optical surfaces. These dynamic systems allow for novel light management and improved depth of field in high-magnification systems. All of these aforementioned freeform processes clarify the methods for future manufacturing of freeform optics and associated optomechanics.

Defense Date and Time: 
Friday, July 16, 2021 - 9:00am
Defense Location: 
Duke Centennial Hall: Room 106A
Committee Chair's Name: 
Dr. Matthew Davies
Committee Members: 
Dr. Thomas Suleski, Dr. Jimmie Miller, Dr. Konstantinos Falaggis